Talent Recruitment

Recruitment Announcement for Management Positions in the School of Nursing, Wuhan University


Due to work requirements, the School of Nursing is now publicly recruiting one person for the Party and Government Office management position and one person for the Teaching and Research Office management position on campus. The recruitment matters are announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment positions and responsibilities

Job title: 1 management position in the Party and Government Office (those who meet the corresponding conditions can serve as deputy directors according to organizational procedures).

Job responsibilities: Responsible for handling daily administrative affairs, assisting in the relevant work of the Party and Government Office, promoting office automation, etc.

Job title: 1 teaching and research office management position (eligible to serve as deputy director according to organizational procedures).

Job responsibilities: Responsible for student teaching management and assisting in teaching and research office related work.

2、 Recruitment conditions

1. Support the leadership of the CPC, maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee in ideology, politics and action, and maintain a firm political position. Abiding by laws and regulations, having upright conduct, possessing good comprehensive qualities and professional ethics.

2. Meet the job requirements and requirements of the "Work Measures for the Selection and Appointment of Main and Deputy Cadres in the Internal Institutions of Wuhan University's Second Level Units" (Wu Da Dang Zi [2021] No. 103).

3. Priority will be given to in-service teachers and staff members of the school, as well as Communist Party members.

4. Possess strong writing skills and relevant basic knowledge to be competent in the job position, as well as strong organizational and coordination skills and written expression abilities, proficient in commonly used office software and network operation skills. Dedicated to work, hardworking, possessing strong service awareness, teamwork spirit, and comprehensive coordination ability.

3、 Recruitment process

1. Personal registration. Login to the campus recruitment platform: http://xnzp.whu.edu.cn Register, or register by logging into the "Information Portal" and selecting "Application Center" - "Human Resource Management System" - "Campus Recruitment". The registration deadline is January 4th, 2022. Recruitment phone number: 68789769 68758908 Contact person: Teacher Zhao.

2. Qualification review. After the registration is completed, a qualification review will be conducted on the materials provided by the applicant to determine the candidates for the interview.

3. Interview defense. The interview process includes personal statement and defense, with 6 minutes for personal statement and 10 minutes for defense. The interview time and location will be notified separately.

4. Determine the proposed candidate based on the interview situation. If there is no suitable candidate after research, it is not necessary to produce a candidate for appointment.

5. Report to the school's personnel department for review.

School of Nursing, Wuhan University

December 24, 2021